
Sunday, November 1, 2020

End of Travelling Year - and How!

 Well, here we are again - back to lockdown....

So that's the end of travelling for 2020, I fear. We look forward to our trips to the local supermarket. At least we managed to complete the intended parts of our UK coastal tour, which turned out brilliantly - now the 'van gets a wash and polish before it goes back into storage. We've got to completely empty it, too, because it's going back to the Swift factory in Hull over Christmas to have another replacement rear panel after their (ex)dealer-who-shall-be-unmentionable messed up with the last one. 

Oops, that's not how you do it....

Good for Swift, though, because, after reviewing photographs and a report from WKD Caravan Services (Thanks), Swift's engineer gave the OK to sort the problem. The timing of all this is not too great because we're downsizing our house in a very big way and we'll have to take all the gear, cushions and mattress out; goodness knows where we're going to put it all.

So no posts from Spain, no Malaga Lights 😢. We'll be in the UK sorting out our house stuff ready to move to Leigh-on-Sea in the early New Year: fun of a different kind.

 See you in 2021.